Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1st post

I think that poetry is a way to express yourself or how you're feeling. It can have any tone you want, such as a humorous, happy, or sad poem. Sometimes, poems can change your point of view, or change your mood. For instance, if you give up on a goal and feel sad, maybe reading an inspirational poem will make you work harder towards achieving that goal.

Poetry is a unique piece of writing in which you can express your thoughts or emotions  One of the elements of poetry might be including different forms of figurative language, such as alliteration or personification. Another characteristic of poetry is the rhythm they have. When you read poetry, it seems to have a rhythm, almost like a song. Unlike most types of writing, poetry is written in different groups of lines called stanzas. Also, poetry can differ from an explanation because poetry is subjective (since its about your own personal feelings or experiences), while a explanation is most likely going to include objective writing and details.

"I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering."
– Robert Frost 

What I liked about this quote is that it has happened to me, and its also really true. As you're writing a poem, new thoughts or feelings come to you, which make you constantly change your poem. You can't predict what your thoughts will be towards the middle/end of a poem, so you can't know what the end of your poem will be. When you write a poem, you can discover new feelings about what you're writing, too.

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